速報APP / 生產應用 / YACHTING 帆船






版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




YACHTING 帆船(圖1)-速報App

In creating its first connected chronograph, Breitling applied a new philosophy that places the smartphone at the service of the watch, in order to increase its functionality and user-friendliness.


Two-way communication makes the two instruments a perfectly complementary tandem in which each one is used for that which it does best.


The YACHTING application allows the user to verify and adjust the main settings of the EXOSPACE B55 YACHTING chronograph at a glance, but also to have rapid access to its different functions. The smartphone memory allows the different measurements of the EXOSPACE B55 YACHTING chronograph to be saved so that they can be viewed, compared or even transferred to other applications. The smartphone screen offers unparalleled reading comfort, thus giving stored data a new dimension.

YACHTING帆船應用程式在滿足用戶可快速查看並調節EXOSPACE B55 YACHTING〈外太空B55帆船計時腕錶〉主要設定的同時,還能快速瀏覽其他功能。智慧型手機內能儲存EXOSPACE B55 YACHTING〈外太空B55帆船計時腕錶〉的不同測量結果,以提供查看、比較甚至傳送到其他應用程式。智慧型手機螢幕可為用戶提供非凡的閱讀舒適度,也給予已儲存的數據一個全新的展示空間。

- Verify the state of your chronograph at just a glance and adjust your settings (UTC time, timezones, date, 7 alarms, synchronization of the hands, display).

- 只需一眼,便可查看計時腕錶的狀態,並調整設定〈世界標準時間、時區、日期、7組鬧響鈴、指針同步、時間顯示〉

- Store different time series (Lap Timer / Chrono Add) to compare them on your smartphone. View your different times and simply export them. Use the watch tachymeter to measure your average speed.

YACHTING 帆船(圖2)-速報App

- 儲存不同時間序列〈單圈計時功能Lap Timer/ 具分段計時和測速器的計時功能Chrono Add〉,以便在您的智慧手機上進行比較。查看並導入您的時間序列。使用測速器測量您的平均速度。

- Configure the different chronograph functions such as Regatta chronograph, Timer, Chrono Add and Lap timer.

- 設定不同計時功能,如帆船賽計時、倒數計時、帶分段計時和測速器的計時功能〈Chrono Add〉以及帶圈速的計時功能。

- Access regatta times, view the relevant information at a glance and save them for further consultation.

- 只需一眼,便可查看帆船賽時間等相關訊息,並可儲存做為參考。

- Enter the countdown time as well as the rating setup, if required.

- 如有需求,可以輸入倒數計時和評分名次設定。

- Quickly compare its own racing time vs. opponents ones.

- 可快速地比較自己與競爭對手的比賽時間。

YACHTING 帆船(圖3)-速報App

- Easily calculate the gain in angle or meter for the wind and the mark by introducing the start line direction and length, and/or wind and run directions.

- 透過標記起跑線的方向和長度,或風向和動向,可以方便計算迎風角度和公尺數。

- Export your regatta times to another application or to your personal computer.

- 將您的帆船比賽時間傳送到另一個應用程式或您的個人電腦。

- Configure your watch to receive notifications from your smartphone; the watch can vibrate and/or ring when a call, message, email or appointment alert is received.

- 將您的腕錶進行設定,以方便接收智慧手機的訊息通知;當收到電話、簡訊、電子郵件或預約提醒時,腕錶將震動或響鈴提示。

- Personalize the display on the watch according to your profile (Sport/Sailor).

- 根據您的個人資料〈Sport/Sailor〉,個性化腕錶的時間顯示方式。

- Update the software of your watch directly from the application.

YACHTING 帆船(圖4)-速報App

- 直接在應用程式中進行腕錶軟體更新。

YACHTING 帆船(圖5)-速報App